Planning & Zoning
ZONING PERMITS –WE NEED YOUR HELP! If you notice any new construction of additions to buildings or sheds, please notify any Village Board member at their phone number so that the proper zoning permit applications are completed.
The present fee for a zoning permit is $10.00. Zoning Permit Applications can be picked up from the Village Office. To facilitate any new construction, including accessory buildings such as sheds, please allow sufficient time after submitting and paying for all required zoning permit applications to Village Clerk Rene’e Kolb during Village Office Hours so that the Board of Trustees may coordinate your construction with the side and rear setback regulations for your zoning district and village sewer/and water easements in order to issue the needed zoning permit. For any Building Permits, residents are urged to contact Jefferson County Building Code Office (315-785-5130).
The present fee for a zoning permit is $10.00. Zoning Permit Applications can be picked up from the Village Office. To facilitate any new construction, including accessory buildings such as sheds, please allow sufficient time after submitting and paying for all required zoning permit applications to Village Clerk Rene’e Kolb during Village Office Hours so that the Board of Trustees may coordinate your construction with the side and rear setback regulations for your zoning district and village sewer/and water easements in order to issue the needed zoning permit. For any Building Permits, residents are urged to contact Jefferson County Building Code Office (315-785-5130).